Huck Finn book summary Part 2

At night Huck and Jim calved down river. Huck one began to see the river that Huck was foggy and thought "snake skin if we jinxed" the fog was so dense that only you could see the coast.

"Let the fog pass" Huck said, then said "I'll go ahead with the canoe to find where I can tie the raft," tie one end of the rope to the raft and the other end to that of a suddenly the became very dense fog and could not see and the raft and one began to shout calling Jim, but after a few minutes I hear Jim and rowing well where he was, but then returned to hear but on other hand, spent hours and Huck Exhausted fall asleep than I was.

The day following Huck woke and saw that the canoe floated to an island, at her realized that the raft was on the shore, came there and saw Jim sitting sleeping then decided to play a joke Huck, while Jim slept Huck spoke and he said "Jim story long I've been asleep." Jim woke up with a jump and told Huck that does not make any joke back so he thought was dead, Huck responded to relax that no taxes anywhere.

Jim told Huck that everything that happened had its meaning while telling Jim's eyes filled with tears, he was very happy that what I dreamed was not true and that Huck was alive but his look was uglier than a friend made ​​that so ugly jokes, Huck and Jim was seeing was and asked apology and promised not to make any jokes get back again.

Huck and Jim were traveling by the river and they saw several houses on the shore then Jim was more excited every time but depues realized that none of that was the Cairo places. Huck did not care because I did not want to get to Cairo.

Jim told Huck that he was the best friend they never target someone had tried it as well as he had done, but Huck was asked if he was doing things right or wrong. Jim I picked up the canoe and went to the bank to see if it was the city of Cairo and Huck on the raft stayed in that moento two people came looking for two fugitives, one of them asked if there was a white or black man Huck reply that White and Huck came, the men approached the raft but told Huck that Pap was sick not because I had smallpox.

The two men moved away and was uni gave them 40 dollars to follow the river, went after Jim appeared below the river because he was terrified and was surprised by what he had done and thanked Huck in Huck if he said "slave or not you're still my friend. "

Huck and Jim were away from Cairo, then decided to navigate the river all night, on the way a steamer going to the raft, because it was dark and could not see had to throw Jim and Huck swam addresses different, when dawn awoke on a shore Huck was worried and thought that jim had died when she met a boy, the told him that jim was alive was in the Phelps family plantations, asked him where he was from, but not had said nothing, Huck continued on their way, but thinking about helping him escape because they would quite possibly be handing runaway slave

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